Newark Civil Servants

Old Newark

This is a card used to dispatch fire companies to the scene of the fire.  The large number at the top is the fire alarm box number.  Below that is the location.  The “A” column is for alarms, “B.C.” is for Battalion Chief, “D.C.” is for Deputy Chief, “R.C.” is for Rescue Company, “S.C.” is for Salvage Company and “F.B.” is for Fire Boat.

This is a card used to dispatch fire companies to the scene of the fire. The large number at the top is the fire alarm box number. Below that is the location. The “A” column is for alarms, “B.C.” is for Battalion Chief, “D.C.” is for Deputy Chief, “R.C.” is for Rescue Company, “S.C.” is for Salvage Company and “F.B.” is for Fire Boat.

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