
Moore, Chief Paul J.499 viewsPhoto from "Newark's Anniversary Industrial Exposition 1916"

Felled With a Beer Glass498 views

494 viewsImage from Kevin Olvaney


Owens, Lieut. Joseph J.493 viewsLieut. Owens was assigned to Truck Company #3. His truck collided with the Salvage Corp Car at Bergenst and S. Orange Ave. killing him.
Photo from Helen Clayton


Four Alarms of Fire in about Twenty Minutes492 views1912

Mrs. Wagner's Pies Burst into Flame and Firemen Hasten490 views

Fire Threatened Whole City Block490 views1912

Candidates for Fire Department490 viewsDecember 12, 1909

First Police Precinct Burglaries for a Year490 viewsFebruary 28, 1909


Motorcycle Police487 viewsPhoto from “Newark Municipal Year Book 1949 1950”

Reese, William Frederik Max487 viewsPhoto from Jeff Ross

That Horse Poisoning487 views

Newark Firemen Who Put Out Police in Battle on Diamond485 views

485 viewsPhoto from NNJM

484 viewsMarket Street fire spreads to Fleming Avenue
Photo from Joemal

484 viewsPostcard

The Burglaries of a Year in Second Police Precinct484 viewsJanuary 31, 1909

A Waif on the Doorstep482 views


Kiersted,Robert481 viewsAppointed Chief Engineer in 1885.
From: "Newark, the Metropolis of New Jersey" Published by the Progress Publishing Co. 1901

NFD Patch479 viewsPhoto from Cathy Knapp

1897479 viewsFrom "Essex County, NJ, Illustrated 1897":

478 viewsMarket Street Fire photo from Filmore street Side. On right is where the fire started next to RR station on Ferry Street.
Photo from Joemal

478 viewsPhoto from Helen Clayton

1947 - Newark Fire Fighters at Night478 viewsPhoto from “Newark City of Opportunity Municipal Yearbook 1947”

Practice478 viewsPhoto from NNJM

Bicycle Police477 viewsPhoto from “Newark Municipal Year Book 1949 1950”

Two Strange Burning Glasses477 views

476 viewsPhoto from Helen Clayton

476 viewsPhoto from Helen Clayton

All in a Days Work with Newark Firemen476 viewsFrom the Newark Sunday Call November 19, 1916

473 viewsPhoto from Helen Clayton

Fire Brigade Dog in 3,000 'Saves'473 views

471 viewsMarket Street fire spreads to Fleming Avenue
Photo from Joemal

471 viewsPhoto from Helen Clayton

James, Sharpe471 views

Selling Bacon470 viewsPhoto from 1920 Newspaper Carrier's Annual

Police Association Salutes New Jersey470 views1964

470 viewsPhoto from NNJM

1880 Annual Parade469 viewsPhoto from Helen Clayton

Murphy interviews Tom465 viewsPhoto from Helen Clayton

Drove Wagon Over Fire Hose and was Promptly Arrested465 views


Burned to Death464 views

Newark's New Fire Limit Ordinance in Effect Next Thursday463 views

Thrills at Fire in Crawford Street463 views1912

Traffic Squad at Market and Broad Streets462 viewsApril 4, 1909

Helen Clayton, Tom, Matt & Kevin461 viewsPhoto from Helen Clayton

Fire Bell is Out of Order461 views1908


Newark Firemen's Organization and its Work459 viewsJanuary 16, 1910

457 viewsPhoto from Helen Clayton

Plucky Fireman Saves Children457 views

Red Hot Stove456 views

1880 Annual Parade455 viewsClick on image to enlarge
Photo from Mary Heaton

454 viewsUnknown Source

Laying a Wreath453 viewsPhoto from 1920 Newspaper Carrier's Annual

1874 Map452 views55 Wallace Place & Hudson Street

452 viewsMarket Street fire spreads to Fleming Avenue
Photo from Joemal


449 viewsMarket Street fire, fireman pour water on to barrels and wood structure
Photo from Joemal

Newark's Only Mounted Police Captain448 viewsDecember 5, 1909

After Theatre Diners Ate While Fire Burned448 views

1965448 viewsPhoto from the LOC

2006447 viewsPhoto from Rich Olohan

Broad Street Fire that Destroyed 4 Buildings on February 5, 1845 by A. Kleinfeldt447 views

1911 Map447 views


445 viewsPhoto from Helen Clayton

Ryan, Michael J. Roundsman444 viewsFrom "History of the Police Department of Newark NJ 1893"

Hunting for Unmuzzled Dogs443 viewsImage from Gonzalo Alberto

Fifteen Old Soldiers Still on Police Force443 viewsMarch 7, 1909

Up to Sixty Percent More Refuse Per Load443 views

443 viewsPhoto from NNJM

440 viewsPhoto from Helen Clayton

Noll, Louis Roundsman440 viewsFrom "History of the Police Department of Newark NJ 1893"

439 viewsPhoto from NNJM
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