
Norman Thomas Target for Barrage of Eggs354 viewsRotten eggs and ripe tomatoes break against the face and body of Norman Thomas, Socialist leader, as a crowd of hostile demonstrators go into action to break up a Socialist meeting he attempted to address in Military Park, in the center of the city. The demonstrators, many of them wearing veteran's caps and carrying banners such as 'Reds Keep Out,' marched into the park with a band, which drowned out Thomas as he attempted to speak. Police, who had granted the permit for the meeting, were unable to preserve order and finally escorted Thomas, covered with red and yellow blobs, from the park. Thomas claimed that the pelting was carried out 'by a band of unruly men, obviously taking orders from Jersey City.'


353 views1922 Mack AC7 75ft tiller
Photo from Tom Reiss

Dowling, Alfred C. Lieutenant353 views

Stable Burns, Horses Saved353 viewsJanuary 12, 1902

Newark Gets Special Rescue Squad Apparatus352 viewsMay 19, 1946

Stone Inscription351 viewsFrom Helen Clayton


351 viewsPostcard

351 viewsPhoto from Chris Doc Denton


1912350 viewsFrom "Newark, the City of Industry" Published by the Newark Board of Trade 1912

Fire Brigade Dog in 3,000 'Saves'350 viewsJanuary 4, 1952

1907349 viewsPhoto from Steve Vlasac

Stabbed in a Saloon349 viewsNovember 16, 1902

1873 Map348 views

Dedication Ceremony Program347 viewsFrom Helen Clayton

347 views1956 Pirsch tillered aerial
Photo from Tom Reiss

1874 Injuries347 viewsFrom the Manual of the Common Council

346 viewsPhoto from Helen Clayton

Roll Call 1940/50's346 viewsPhoto from Darrell White

Policeman Thomas E. Campbell, Retired, Once Cowboy & Scout345 views1911

Brown, John E. Roundsman345 viewsFrom "History of the Police Department of Newark NJ 1893"


343 views1927 Ahrens Fox 75ft tillered aerial
Photo from Tom Reiss

Crowd Sees Man Knocked Down by Fire Engine343 views1912

343 viewsA fireman trapped in the upper floor of a burning building leaps onto a safety net held by his colleagues in Newark, New Jersey, circa 1925. He has thrown his heavy coat out in front of him.
Photo by FPG/Hulton Archive

1892 Map342 views

1912342 viewsFrom "Newark, the City of Industry" Published by the Newark Board of Trade 1912

2010341 viewsPhoto from Google Maps

1897341 viewsFrom "Essex County, NJ, Illustrated 1897":

Lad Fell From Train341 viewsNovember 16, 1902


Edwards, Freeman A. Lieutenant340 views

1911 Map339 views

Fire Chief's New Auto goes into Commission Tomorrow338 viewsMay 1, 1910

Honor Bell337 viewsFrom Helen Clayton

337 views1968 Mack pumper
Photo from Tom Reiss

MacIntosh, Robert337 viewsThis is my great-grandmother's brother, Alexander Robert MacIntosh born 1894, died 1933, who was (like quite a few in my family) a Newark police officer.
Photo from Susan Hamilton Helber

Lt. Ownes Grave336 viewsFrom Helen Clayton

Kline, Charles Lieutenant336 viewsFrom "History of the Police Department of Newark NJ 1893"

Mooch335 viewsThe Newark fire dog, 'Mooch' received a Humane Society medal for his rescue of another dog in a fire. 'Mooch' is shown here with children and firemen at the firehouse.
Photo from Bettmann

335 viewsPostcard

How Riley Threw the Giant335 viewsDecember 7, 1902

Vable, Henry Lieutenant334 views


Annie Aherns333 viewsHistory of the Police Department of Newark NJ 1893


1911 Map333 views

N.F.D. No. 24332 viewsPhoto from "Newspaper Carrier's Annual" 1920

1911 Map332 views

331 viewsPhoto from Tom Ernst

330 views1930 ALF 200 Series Metropolitan pumper, 1000gpm pump with an 80 gallon tank
Photo from Tom Reiss

1927 Map329 views

Firemen go to Rescue of an Injured Workman329 views

Bus Crash on Central Avenue329 viewsBus rests against house on Central Avenue in Newark, N.J. after Eugene Balanger, driver of the Public Service vehicle, swerved to avoid hitting an automobile.
Photo by J Petrella/NY Daily News

A Squad of Third Precinct Policemen329 viewsNovember 17, 1901

Davis Jr., George328 viewsOne of the first black police officers for the City of Newark - Photo from Alycia Green (her grandfather)



Police Raid a House327 viewsDecember 14, 1902

326 viewsPhoto from Tom Reiss

326 views1922 Ahrens-Fox
Photo from Tom Reiss

1912326 viewsFrom "Newark, the City of Industry" Published by the Newark Board of Trade 1912

Interior of a Radio Car326 viewsPhoto from Alberto Valdes

Newark Fire Headquarters 1900323 views31 Academy Street
From: "Newark, the Metropolis of New Jersey" Published by the Progress Publishing Co. 1901

323 viewsPhoto from Tom Reiss


Fire Captain Was Ready when Call was Received323 viewsJune 19, 1910

322 viewsPhoto from Tom Reiss

1897322 viewsFrom "Essex County, NJ, Illustrated 1897":

1911 Map322 views

1912322 viewsFrom "Newark, the City of Industry" Published by the Newark Board of Trade 1912

Newark Firemen Treat Hose Well322 viewsMay 23, 1909

I Like Ike321 viewsDorothy Dimm, an Eisenhower for President worker, distributes pamphlets and buttons from atop a campaign car on Broad Street in Newark. Ike forces were out in full strength for last-day campaigning for votes in the New Jersey primary, Apil 15th.
Photo from Bettmann

Officer Fires Two Shots321 viewsNovember 16, 1902

James Patrick Madden320 viewsPhoto from Lynn Smilow

319 viewsFrom the William F. Cone Collection

Mrs. Cora Hanglin319 viewsMrs. Cora Hanglin, in custody of detectives on her way to be arrainged for manslaughter in the Second Criminal Court, Newark, NJ. The woman admits having buried a baby under the cement floor of her house at 54 Howard Street, Newark, NJ. 1919
Photo from Bettmann

Part 2319 viewsFrom "History of the Police Department of Newark NJ 1893"
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